Healthy Living Week w/c 22nd May 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,
Our Healthy Living week begins on Monday 22nd May until Friday 26th May. We have lots of fun activities planned for the children that week!
As part of Healthy Living week and our school games award we would also like to collect some data/information on how active our children are and which clubs they attend out of school. Could you please complete this short questionnaire by following this link.
We love to celebrate our children’s achievements and we share sporting achievements in assembly on a Friday. However, if you would like to share any photographs or sporting achievements with me, I would really like to share our children’s sporting successes on Twitter. You can email me –
As per the advacne diary dates, our annual Sports Day is on Friday 19th May:
  • 9.30am for Year 3-6
  • 2.00pm for Reception, Y1 and Y2
Hope to see you there!
Many thanks,
Mrs Cunningham
PE Leader
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