FGB overview March 2025
Dear parent / carer
The Full Governing Body met this week for their half termly meeting. Governors welcomed two new co-opted members, Hannah Gilroy and Alison Cairns. The resignation of Caroline Afolabi-Deleu was accepted and the Chair thanked Caroline for all the work undertaken during her six years in post.
Governors received a detailed report from the Headteacher covering all key aspects of school including quality of education, leadership and management, and behaviour and attitudes. It was particularly noted that:
- Children enjoyed taking part in Book Week with highlights such as reading with peers in different year groups, dressing up as a book character or word and receiving a visit from storyteller Chris Bostock
- Artificial Intelligence is a growing topic globally and school will continue to explore its uses with full regard to ethical and data protection considerations
- Attendance continues to be very good and exceeds the National Average
- The introduction of free ‘Mini Clubs’ will offer children a chance to take part in a range of different activities and enhance the existing clubs offered
Governors were delighted with the Spring report received from the School Development Partner, Richard Kielty. The focus of his latest visit was Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The report noted that: ‘Both teachers and learning support assistants have a deep understanding of SEND needs and their practice aligns with
the vision and ethos of the school which is highly inclusive.’
The responses from the recent parent / carer survey were shared with governors. Responses to date showed that 100% of parents / carers feel their child is happy at King Edward Primary School! Governors would like to thank parents / carers for taking time to complete the survey, particularly where detailed and thoughtful written comments have been made. The full outcome of the survey will soon be shared with parents / carers.
Governors fulfilled statutory duties including:
- Review of equality data in line with schools duty under the Equality Act 2010
- Approval of policies including Governor Code of Conduct
- Review of website compliance
The FGB will meet again in the summer term following a well deserved Easter break for all members of the school community!
Mrs Hunter
Clerk to the Governors