Easter Activities 2022
Dear parents / carers
In the run up to Easter, we have a few activities planned in school to mark the season!
Easter coffee morning
We are very excited to begin returning to some pre-COVID normality in the coming weeks and months! We would like to invite parents along to an Easter coffee morning from 9.00am on Wednesday 6th April. We were thrilled to see so many parents attend our recent Science Fair and look forward to opening our doors even more this summer.
The coffee morning will be held in the gym (entrance via the community room doors in the KS1 yard). We are asking for donations from parents of any cakes and biscuits to supply our coffee morning. Any donations will be gratefully received on Tuesday 5th April via the school office.
Easter egg decorating competition
All children from Nursery to Year 6 are invited to take place in an Easter egg decorating competition! Eggs should be hard boiled and decorated by children. Parents are also invited to submit an egg for the parent egg decorating competition. All eggs should be brought into school on Tuesday 5th April. The eggs will be displayed at our Easter coffee morning.
Two lucky winners will be chosen from every year group and those children will receive a small prize! The winning eggs will be displayed at Linkskill Park Court Sheltered Housing where we are sure the residents will love seeing your creations.
Children can collect their eggs from the gym (via the community room doors) at the end of the school day on 6th April. Any eggs not collected by the end of the day on 6th April will be disposed of. As winning eggs will be showcased at Linkskill in the run up to Easter, they will not be available for children to take home.
Thank you
Miss Byrne