Curriculum and Outcomes Governor Meeting – Spring Term
Dear parent / carer
This week our Curriculum and Outcomes Committee met as part of normal school processes.
We discussed the Coronavirus situation and are satisfied that school are following the current advice provided by National agencies and the Local Authority. The governors would ask that parents continue to encourage their children to follow good hand hygiene as normal good practice to help school with this.
We reviewed the Bullying, Social Media, ICT Acceptable Use and Feeling Safe in School policies. These were approved and will continue to enable staff to support our children in these areas of school life.
In the coming weeks a Parent & Carer survey will be shared, both the staff and governors would like to encourage everyone to use this opportunity to share their views.
As part of the meeting we heard about the training delivered by Stonewall; the staff explained how valuable the experience was and how positive they had found it. We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the school in their achievement of the Stonewall School Champions Bronze Award.
Claire Graham
Chair of Curriculum and Outcomes Committee