Covid 19 Parent-School Agreement

Due to the current prevalence of Covid 19, school has to organise a number of things differently to usual.  Much of these things are as a result of non-negotiable Government guidance.  By sending your child to school, you are agreeing to follow all procedures implemented by school.  In return, we will follow the Government guidelines and school risk assessment to make sure your child is safe and happy in school.  


What Parents and Families Must Do:

  1. Parents must not send their child to school if they, or anyone else in the household or support bubble are showing any symptoms of Covid 19.  Please click here to see the steps to take in this situation.
  2. Families must follow Government guidelines on self isolation and comply with NHS Track and Trace.
  3. If school determines that a child is showing any symptoms of Covid 19, we will call parents for their immediate collection.  This is at school’s discretion and parents must follow the school’s instruction.  Schools are required to take this action.
  4. Families must follow social distancing measures in and around the premises, staying two metres away from other households and staff.
  5. Parents should follow all signage on site with regard to safe access e.g. keeping right at gates.
  6. Parents may not enter the school building including the school office.  Please call the office on 0191 8141455 to arrange to speak to a member of staff.  Teachers will not be available during the teaching day.
  7. Year 5 – Year 6 parents must not come on site.  This is to reduce the number of people accessing the school site.  Please leave children at the gates and collect them at the end of the day at a pre-arranged location off-site.  
  8. Parents should collect children promptly at their staggered finished time.  For a list of times, please click here
  9. Parents may not linger on the premises at drop off and collection and only one adult should accompany their child on site.  
  10. Parents must not allow children to play on outdoor equipment at drop off and collection e.g. trim trail, castle, seating areas etc.
  11. Children should be sent to school with everything they need for the school day.  Parents will not be allowed to drop off additional items during the school day.  This includes:
    1. Full school uniform
    2. Appropriate clothing for the weather e.g. coat
    3. Packed lunch (if applicable)
    4. Full water bottle (must be labelled with full name – any water bottled not labelled will be written on by staff in permanent marker)
  12. Parents should make an appointment to bring in any medication their child may need during the school day (this is only medication that must be taken four or more times a day).  Click here to see our policy.  
  13. From w/c 7th September, children should be sent into school in full PE kit on their PE day.  This includes PE t-shirt under school sweatshirt/cardigan and PE shorts under PE joggers with trainers.  
  14. Parents must book at least five days in advance if they wish to access OOSC.  Numbers are strictly limited due to COVID organisation changes. Therefore if you have not booked, you and your child will be turned away.
  15. Children must not be sent into school with their own hand sanitiser.  COSHH regulated sanitiser is available to all children throughout the day.  If a child is found with sanitiser, this will be removed and you will be notified.  


What School Will Do:

  1. Organise children into bubbles to minimise interaction between children across school.
  2. Organise classrooms differently so children aren’t face to face and have consistent seating arrangements for children.
  3. Promote good hand hygiene including teaching children the correct way to wash their hands and to use ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’.  Children will be supervised applying hand sanitiser at key times throughout the day.  
  4. Have rigorous cleaning systems in place including cleaning during the school day.  
  5. Promote social distancing where possible and appropriate.  Please be aware that it is not practical or possible for children to always be two metres away from others (e.g. during lesson times).  The Government guidelines acknowledge and accept this.  
  6. Implement a soft start to the school day and a staggered finish to reduce crowding.
  7. Allocate different entrances (gates and doors) to reduce children in different year groups from mixing.  Click here to see the site map.  
  8. Stagger break times so less children are on the yard at the same time.
  9. Organise lunch times so children can eat in different areas in their bubbles and enjoy play time without the need to interact with children in other phases.
  10. Provide a grab-bag lunch each day for children wishing to purchase a school meal.  This is subject to future review. 
  11. Timetable the school day to allow up to 30 minutes of additional learning time every day.  This and additional remote learning will help catch up on lost learning.
  12. Allocate time in the school day to support children’s wellbeing and their adjustment to the current climate.
  13. Set remote learning for a Friday afternoon for children to complete offsite.  This not only frees up an enormous amount of staff time for targeted work with children during the week, but also keeps families familiar with remote learning in case we need to use it again in the future as the primary means of delivering education.  
  14. Organise OOSC in phase groups in different areas to minimize interactions between children across school.  
  15. Continue to educate and care for your children as we always have.  Though many things have to change, our values of happy, caring, achieving will not.
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