Climate Friendly School – Plant donations

Climate Friendly School

This year, we are working towards becoming a Climate Friendly School.  As part of our Action Plan, we would like to introduce a plant into as many rooms as possible in school. This would be greatly beneficial as not only can plants help with air quality and  overall well being, but we would also like to give each class the responsibility of looking after and maintaining their own plant.

We would therefore like to ask for any donations of small potted house plants which we could give to each classroom and other spaces throughout school. If you have a spare plant at home that you would like to contribute, please send it in (to the School Office or your child’s teacher) at any time after half term. Please do not feel that you should buy a new plant: a donation of one you already have and would like to rehome would be great!

Thank you in advance

Mrs Imray and the Eco-Team

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