Class 4O – Parents Evening – Thursday 6th February 2020 and Monday 10th February 2020
As you are aware the parents evening for Miss Osueke was cancelled due to her ill health, it has now been rearranged on Thursday 6th February 2020 and Monday 10th February 2020. All previous appointments have been cancelled, please book a new appointment for your child. If you are unable to make any of the days above, please contact the school office and we will try and arrange an alternative appointment after half term.
Please enter your details and select an appointment time. You will need to enter a valid address when completing this form, you will then receive an email confirming your appointment time.
Please only book one appointment per child online. If you book an appointment and can no longer attend, please call the school office on 0191 8141455 who will assist you in changing your appointment.
Thank you.
Please click on the link below to book an appointment:
Class 4O Parents Evening – Thursday 6th February 2020 and Monday 10th February 2020