Books! Books!
Sponsored Read – Well done to everyone
who participated in our sponsored read last week. The winners from each class will
receive a book prize in assembly and their photos will be on display in the
library. Thank you for the sponsor money raised too. So far, our total is over
£3500.00 plus an extra 60% of free books. Amazing! This will be spent on Usborne
books to update our libraries and replenish our home readers. If you haven’t
sent in your sponsor money yet, please send it in after the holidays and we can
add it to our total. Thank you!
Library – With the help of our wonderful
FOKE, we are in the process of electronically coding all of the books in
school. This is a very time consuming job but it will mean that children will
be able to scan books out with a bar code reader, as in a real library. We will
then be able to keep track of how often children change books, whether they
have already read specific books and be able to keep track on where books are.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could have a search at home over the
holidays and send in any books you may have from school. Thank you so much in
Book Week – We are celebrating reading again this
year by having a Book Week during the week beginning 4th March.
There will be lots of exciting events taking place all week. As usual, the book
fair will be open from Monday to Thursday in the Community Room.
for pleasure is something we promote in school. We would like you to share your
reading experiences with us – so we are having a fun competition. Your
challenge is to send in a photo of your child reading in the most unusual (but
safe) place they can find. We are hoping to make a display of this in our new
improved library. Children will be given a £1 book voucher after the holidays to
celebrate World Book Day which can be spent at the book fair or at a book shop.
Monday and Tuesday of Book Week, we will be visited by one of our parents, Mr
Hetherington, who has written a book with his daughter, Isabella where there
will be an option to buy a signed copy of his book. Some of our teachers have already
read this book with their classes and the feedback has been excellent.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, Years 2, 4 and 5 will visit North
Shields Library.
Thursday, to celebrate World Book Day,
children are invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite character
from a book. We are excited to see what the children (and staff!) come up with
this year!
you’d expect, there will also be book related activities happening all week
during lessons and we are looking forward to continuing to pursue a shared
lifelong love of reading.
you for your continued support and please keep reading.
Headteacher and Literacy Leader