A BIG thank you!!

A BIG thank you!!!
We would like to thank all the parents/carers who have now signed up to the school gateway so far. This has had a real impact on school as we have managed to save £765 this year from sending school messages through the gateway app rather than by text message. Every penny saved is money which goes back into school to spend on resources etc. We are now up to 60% of our parents using the school gateway app, we are aiming at 100% so we can save even more money for our school.
If you are not yet using the gateway app and would like some assistance to be able to use it or if you are having difficulty with using the gateway app, please contact the school office who will be more than happy to help with any questions and queries. You could also try deleting the app and reinstalling it and making sure you have the latest version of the app installed on your device.
If you have changed your mobile telephone number or email please let the school office know as soon as possible so we can update them for you so you can keep using the app and saving the school money.
Also, as well as regular school gateway messages/text messages we highly recommend all parents/carers keep regular checks on our website (preferably daily). The website is updated daily with all activities and events including trips and visits, non uniform days etc.
Thank you once again for helping to support our school.
If you are still not using the app, please click on the link below which gives you easy step by step instructions on what you need to do.
Source: www.kingedwardprimary.org.uk
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