Current Year 3 – Next Year 4 children – Residential Trip – Weardale Adventure Centre

Dear parents/carers,


I would like to inform you that when your child is in year 4, they will have the opportunity to have a residential experience in 2023!


The proposed trip is planned for Wednesday 29th March 2023 until Friday 31st March 2023.  This will be a two night, three day adventure, where all 60 children can be accommodated at the same time.  We are very excited that this year we are trying somewhere new called the Weardale Adventure Centre (!  We will choose activities that best suit our pupils over the coming months – they have lots of exciting activities to choose from.  This post is for advance notice only and more information will follow regarding the trip, how to sign up and prices in the new school year.


We hope you have a wonderful Summer.


Mrs Henderson

Visit Leader

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