Reception Classes – September 2021 Information for Parents/Carers
Hello Everybody,
We are really looking forward to welcoming you all to Reception next week. We felt that it would be really helpful to reshare some information and reminders that were shared with you before the holidays. It is key information that parents and carers often ask for as children join us in Reception. All children who attended our Nursery return to school on Monday 6th September and will be in school all day.
- The day begins at 8:50am and ends at 3:15pm.
- Children can arrive between 8:50am and 9:00am and there will be members of staff at the door throughout this time.
- Children have their own peg in the communal area of Reception and can put their coat, bags, wellies etc there before going into their classrooms. Reception staff will be based in the communal area to support children. If your child doesn’t settle at the beginning of the day, staff will let you know.
- If children are in Out of School Club, staff will take them to their classrooms in the morning and pick them up from there at the end of the day.
- At the end of the day, staff will open the door at 3:15pm and dismiss the children from there. Staff will be on the door if you would like to discuss anything. If you’d like to have a chat, please wait until all children are with their parents or carers.
- Children will be having lunch in the EYFS hall. They are familiar with this space from their time in Nursery. Staff, alongside lunchtime supervisors, stay with children as they eat. If there are any concerns about your child not eating, we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.
- Lunch menus can be found on the School Meals area of our website and are planned on a cycle. There is no charge for Reception children and you choose on the day whether your child will have a school lunch or a packed lunch. There will be a trolley at the Reception door every morning for packed lunches.
- Your child will have a Tapestry account for their Online Learning Journey. If your child came to our Nursery, this same account will continue into Reception.
- Children will be given a book bag in the first couple of weeks that they will need to bring to school every day.
- Children will need to bring in a water bottle from home every day with fresh water, not juice.
- Fruit will be provided for every child, every day.
- Your child will receive free school milk each day until the week that they turn five years old. If you would like your child to receive milk after they are five, you can purchase milk from Cool Milk; details can be found on our website.
- On days that we have PE, children are to come to school in their PE kit. PE will begin in the week beginning Monday 13th September and we will confirm which days this will be next week.
- Children will register in their teacher’s classroom and do the majority of their group learning with their peers. Once they finish their group learning, they have free flow access across all rooms in Reception and are free to mix with children from the other Reception class.
- Children will be going outside every day, using the EYFS yard that Reception shares with Nursery, and the Key Stage 1 yard for some playtimes. Please make sure that they come to school with an appropriate coat, gloves, hat etc.
- If you are late at the beginning of the day for whatever reason, please go to the school office and office staff will take your child to their classroom. If you are late to collect your child at the end of the day, your child will be taken to the school office and they can be picked up from there
- Please ensure that everything that belongs to your child is clearly labelled with their name. We appreciate that a lot of money is spent on uniform, shoes, coats etc. and with a lot of children learning how to take care of their possessions, naming everything helps us massively to make sure that everything that they bring in also goes home with them
- If your child requires medication, school can administer this providing the medication is needed at least four times a day. Medication must be in its original packaging and prescribed medication must be in your child’s name. Over the counter medication and creams will only be allowed in school in exceptional circumstances. If your child needs medication in school, you must bring it to the school office and sign to give permission for it to be administered
We hope that this information is helpful to you and may help with some questions that you may have. The information is by no means exhaustive but if you have something that you want to know or would like to talk about, please speak to us at the door or contact the school office and one of us will be in touch with you as soon as we can.
We’re all very excited to welcome you and your families into Reception and we are looking forward to having an amazing year.
Thank you,
The Reception Team