Y5 Plant a Tree!
Dear parent / carer
As part of the Woodland Trust ‘free trees for school’s’ initiative, we have received a large number of trees to plant on our school site. Planting trees in school can make a positive difference to our children and the whole community because:
- Green spaces improve physical and mental health
- Trees and hedges provide homes and food for wildlife
- Trees clean the air we breathe
- Trees absorb CO2 – one of the main causes of climate change
- Trees will become a legacy that future pupils will enjoy
- Tree planting is terrific fun!
Year 5 have been learning about the environment and will be getting involved with the planting throughout the rest of this week.
We expect the weather to be very wet and muddy. Please send your child to school in their school uniform but with a spare pair of shoes, preferably wellington boots, to change into while we are outside. Children will also need a waterproof coat. This change of clothing will stay in school for the rest of this week.
Thank you
Miss Sarah Parnaby
Business Manager